> 文章列表 > 春节时出差是什么感觉英语





出差用英语可以说\"on a business trip\"。


你可以用英语问\"Did you go on a business trip to another city?\",或者你也可以告诉对方\"I will go to Shenzhen on a business trip tomorrow.\"


描述出差的英文短文如下: Business trips have to be approved by the employer, who usually meets the costs. The travel can involve long journeys, multiple destinations, and visits to different cities for meetings, conferences, or negotiations. During a business trip, professionals are often busy with work-related activities, such as attending meetings, making presentations, and networking with clients or partners. They may also have the opportunity to explore the local culture, try different cuisines, and visit popular landmarks in their free time. Business trips can be both exciting and challenging, as they provide professionals with opportunities to expand their professional networks, gain international experience, and contribute to the growth of their organizations.




Hi, how have you been recently? These past few days, I\'ve been on business trips and because it\'s the Chinese Festival, I\'m away from home. Despite the workload, it\'s always exciting to travel and experience new places and cultures.


You can come to see me during the time I am in Beijing. It would be great to catch up and spend time together in a new city.


Sometimes I go to our branch company in Beijing for business. It allows me to collaborate with colleagues and contribute to the success of our company in different locations.


Dear XXX, I\'m back in XX now. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your hospitality during my business trip to A city last week. The trip was productive and I enjoyed experiencing the local culture and cuisine. Let\'s plan to meet up soon and continue our discussions.


Here are two ways to express \"Yesterday I went to see you, but you weren\'t in\" in English: 1. I went to see you yesterday, but you weren\'t available. 2. I paid you a visit yesterday, but you were out.


差旅费可以用英文翻译成\"travel expense\"或者\"business travel cost\"。