> 文章列表 > 春节的有关习俗英文





Folk music - 民间音乐

Folk hero - 民间英雄

Folk dancer - 民间舞者

Folk medicine - 民间医药

Folk kiln - 民窑

Folk toy - 民间玩具




祭灶 - Offering sacrifice to the kitchen god - 在春节期间,人们会准备祭品,祭拜灶神,以祈求家庭的好运和丰收。

扫尘 - Sweeps the dust - 在春节前,人们会彻底打扫房子,以扫除旧年的厄运和邪气。

春联 - Spring festival couplet - 春联是春节期间常见的对联,悬挂在门口,以表达对新年的祝福和吉祥。

年画 - Lunar new year painting - 年画是指春节期间所绘制的一种传统绘画,常用来装饰家庭和庆祝新年。

除夕 - New Year\'s Eve - 除夕是农历年的最后一天,也是春节的前夜,人们会举行庆祝活动,欢度新年的到来。

舞龙舞狮 - Dragon and lion dance - 舞龙舞狮是春节期间一项传统的舞蹈表演,人们用龙和狮子的形象来祈求好运和祝福。

放鞭炮 - Setting off firecrackers - 放鞭炮是春节庆祝活动中重要的一环,人们相信鞭炮声能驱走邪恶并迎来好运。

吃饺子 - Eating dumplings - 在春节期间,人们通常会包饺子并与家人一同享用。饺子象征着团圆和好运。

拜年 - Paying a New Year visit - 在春节期间,人们会拜访亲朋好友,互道新年祝福,并交换礼物。

赏花灯 - Admiring lanterns - 在春节期间,人们会赏花灯,这是一种特殊的灯笼装饰,象征着幸福和吉祥。

崇拜祖先 - Worshiping ancestors - 在春节期间,人们会去祖先墓地祭拜祖先,表达对祖先的敬意和祝福。



The Spring Festival - 春节 - 春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一,也是全年最具规模和持续时间最长的庆祝活动。

Lunar calendar - 农历 - 春节根据农历进行计算,日期通常在阳历1月下旬至2月上旬之间。

Lunar January - the first month by lunar calendar - 农历正月 - 农历新年从农历正月初一开始。

New Year\'s Eve - 除夕 - 农历年的最后一天,也是春节的前夜,人们会举行庆祝活动,迎接新年的到来。

Reunion dinner - 团圆饭 - 除夕晚上,家人会团聚在一起共进晚餐,象征着团圆和吉祥。

Red envelope - 红包 - 在春节期间,长辈会给晚辈发红包,里面放着压岁钱,代表祝福和好运。

Fireworks - 烟花 - 放烟花是春节庆祝活动中重要的一环,人们相信烟花声能驱走邪恶并迎来好运。

Dragon dance - 舞龙 - 舞龙是春节期间一项传统的舞蹈表演,人们用龙的形象来祈求好运和祝福。

Lantern festival - 元宵节 - 春节之后的第15天是元宵节,人们会赏花灯、猜灯谜并吃汤圆庆祝这一节日。

Chinese calligraphy - 中国书法 - 在春节期间,人们会写对联和春联,以表达对新年的祝福和吉祥。


春节的来历和习俗(英文版) - 懂得


The origin of the Spring Festival: The Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year or \"Guo Nian\" in Chinese, falls on the first day of the lunar calendar. It is the most grand and lively traditional festival in China. The history of the Spring Festival dates back to the Yin-Shang period...


The customs of the Spring Festival have been passed down for thousands of years. People engage in a series of celebration activities, including putting up couplets, setting off firecrackers, and performing dragon and lion dances. During the Spring Festival, families gather together to have a reunion dinner. Additionally, people give red envelopes to their relatives and friends, and visit ancestors\' graves. These customs symbolize reunion, good luck, and blessings.


The first day of Chinese New Year, also known as the \"day of chicken\", officially marks the beginning of the Spring Festival. On this day, people wake up early to greet the new day by saying \"Gong Xi Fa Cai\" (Wishing you prosperity) to each other. They also offer sacrifices to the gods and ancestors to seek blessings and good fortune for the coming year. In the evening, families gather for a festive reunion dinner, enjoying special dishes like dumplings and fish, which symbolize wealth and abundance. The Spring Festival is a time for people to express gratitude, exchange gifts, and spend quality time with their loved ones. It is truly a joyous occasion filled with traditions and customs that have been passed down for generations.

有哪些春节习俗(请用英语说) - 懂得

The Spring Festival is an ancient festival in China and it is the most important festival of the year. Over the thousands of years of its history, a number of traditional customs and habits have formed, many of which continue to be practiced today. Some of the most notable Spring Festival customs include:

Worshiping ancestors - 在春节期间,人们会前往祖先墓地祭拜祖先,表达对祖先的敬意和祝福。

Setting off firecrackers - 放鞭炮是春节庆祝活动中重要的一环,人们相信鞭炮声能驱走邪恶并迎来好运。

Eating dumplings - 在春节期间,人们通常会包饺子并与家人一同享用。饺子象征着团圆和好运。

Wearing new clothes - 春节期间,人们喜欢穿新衣服,以迎接新年的到来。

Giving red envelopes - 在春节期间,长辈会给晚辈发红包,里面放着压岁钱,代表祝福和好运。

Visiting relatives and friends - 在春节期间,人们会拜访亲朋好友,一起庆祝新年,互道新年祝福,并交换礼物。

These customs are just a few examples of the rich traditions and practices associated with the Spring Festival. They represent important values such as family, luck, and unity, and play a vital role in bringing joy and happiness to people\'s lives during this festive time.


According to China\'s Lunar calendar, the first day of the first lunar month is known as \"Yuan Chen\" in ancient Chinese. This day marks the beginning of the Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year. The festival originated from the belief in deities and the tradition of worshiping ancestors. It is a time for people to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year with joy and enthusiasm.

The customs associated with the Spring Festival are numerous and diverse. One of the most important customs is the family reunion dinner,